Who Are We

Wayne, Hilary & Adelaide Denny. Preparing to Serve in Leadership Training in Senegal, Africa. God has called us to take advantage of a unique window of religious freedom in Muslim Senegal by equipping church leaders who have a heart for reaching their country and the Muslim world.

We should be jealous. . . for the honour of His name – troubled when it remains unknown, hurt when it is ignored, indignant when it is blasphemed. And all the time anxious and determined that it shall be given the honour and glory which are due to it.” John Stott

Monday, October 27, 2008

Wisdom from Addie

Yesterday, Hilary's sister, Kara, was talking about the opening sermon illustration she heard that morning about the two presidential candidates talking a lot about change to which Addie responded, "I like to change my diaper."

Cleaning up your own mess. Sounds novel. Addie for President in 2052!

Soul Care

I've recently been very exhausted with the constant travels, presentations, phone calls, etc. and spent some time this morning trying to recharge by reflecting on Hebrews 11 and a sermon from my boy Johnny Edwards.

Here's a great quote from a sermon based on Hebrews 11:13, 14, "And confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For they that say such things, declare plainly that they seek a country."

Commenting on how all pleasures now are but a foretaste for eternity with God, he writes

"To go to heaven, fully to enjoy God, is infinitely better than the most pleasant accommodations here. Fathers and mothers, husbands, wives, or children, or the company of earthly friends, are but shadows; but the enjoyment of God is the substance. These are but scattered beams; but God is the sun. These are but streams; but God is the fountain. These are but drops; but God is the ocean."

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

FAQ (updated)

I posted a FAQ a while back, but thought it was time to update it.

Q - What is a good amount to give?

The short answer is anything. Many have asked, does a $10 or $20 commitment make a difference. The answer is definitely yes! We currently have about 1/3 of our support coming from commitments in the $10 to $50 range.

Our most common amounts that people give are $25, $50, or $100/month, but those certainly aren't the only amounts that are helpful as we have commitments from individuals or families ranging from $10 to $300/month.

Q - What is ongoing support?

Our mission board sets a monthly budget based on how much it costs to live and minister in Senegal. We need commitments that equal our monthly budget. These commitments can be made on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis. We must be at 100% of our ongoing support before we are able to leave. This means that for every commitment, the first gift needs to have come in before we leave.

Q - How can I give to ongoing support?

We often call our ongoing support, monthly support, but it can actually be given on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis.

Monthly commitments can be given through Electronic Funds Transfer or mailing a check to WorldVenture. If you're interested in having the money drafted from your bank account, just download this form and mail it to WorldVenture (see address below) with a voided check. If you want to send in support by check, just download this form indicating how much you're committing, how often you will send the gift (i.e. monthly quarterly, annually) and then mail it to WorldVenture along with the first check.

Please be sure to include our name and missionary # on the forms, Wayne and Hilary Denny (#026)

Attn: Receipting Department
1501 W. Mineral Ave
Littleton, CO 80120-5612

Also, if you decide to commit, it helps us tremendously if you can send us a note letting us know how much you're committing, wdenny@worldventure.net.

Q - When should we start giving?

As soon as possible! All monthly support that comes in before we leave goes towards our outgoing expenses and current ministry expenses. Also, we need the first gift to come in before Jan 1st in order to get us to 100% of our budget.

Q - What percentage of your budget do you need to be at before you can leave?

100% committed and the first gift sent in.

Q - How can I give towards your one time needs?

You can give directly online or mail a check to:

Attn: Receipting Department
1501 W. Mineral Ave
Littleton, CO 80120-5612

Please be sure to include our name and missionary #, Wayne and Hilary Denny (#026)

Q - If I begin monthly support, how long is the commitment?

There is no formal commitment. Some may only be able to give for 1 year. Others may support us for 30 years. It's easiest for us if you can commit to whatever our term length is. Our initial term will be 4 years (beginning Jan 09). If our support falls off while we're on the field, it's more difficult to raise it back up. Of course, we do realize that situations change and some will either choose or be forced to withdraw support. Ultimately God knows yours and our situation and is in control.

Q - What if I can't commit to a monthly gift, but would still like to give gifts as enabled.

Our monthly budget set by our mission board is not an exact science. Over the course of time, we are likely to have supporters that are unable to continue giving and will need either new supporters or unexpected gifts to make up the difference. Also, if the value of the dollar goes down, so does our salary. Unexpected gifts can make up the difference here also.

Q - Are the gifts tax-deductible?


Q - Any more questions

Contact Michael Smith at WorldVenture, 800-487-4224 or email me, wdenny@worldventure.net

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Long overdue update...

We're at 84% of our support committed!
We've applied for our visas to France!
We have plane tickets reserved for January 1st!

Wow, I think we're going to be moving in a couple of months!