Wayne, Hilary & Adelaide Denny. Preparing to Serve in Leadership Training in Senegal, Africa. God has called us to take advantage of a unique window of religious freedom in Muslim Senegal by equipping church leaders who have a heart for reaching their country and the Muslim world.
We should be jealous. . . for the honour of His name – troubled when it remains unknown, hurt when it is ignored, indignant when it is blasphemed. And all the time anxious and determined that it shall be given the honour and glory which are due to it.” John Stott
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
ACC Children's Church Kids...
Thanks for visiting our blog! We enjoyed talking with you tonight and hope you enjoyed hearing a little about Senegal.
Here is a picture of the Senegal flag to help you color yours.
And here is a map of Africa that shows where Senegal is.
We want to use this blog to keep people up to date on what is going on with us as we prepare to serve in Senegal. Here is how you can best use this site! We will keep posting here, so keep checking back. All of the blogs will be labeled, so browse the CONTENTS (below) to find more information on a certain topic. The blogs labeled "Essential" are those which we feel will be most useful to you to understand who we are and what we are doing. They will also help you understand our updates. Also, if you scroll down on the right side of the page, we have answers to Frequently Asked Questions about our ministry. Please leave comments!! We would love to hear your thoughts.
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Why Missions? When Jesus cleansed the temple in John 2, it was because it angered Him to see a place where worship should be taking place filled with everything but worship. We see the entire world as a place where God should be worshipped. From the beginning, God's desire was for all nations to glorify Him (Gen 12:3, Deut 4:5-8). So, if God is to be worshipped in all nations, we should be disturbed when He is not. This should motivate us to lay down our lives in the same manner that Christ did for the purpose of seeing God glorified in all nations.
Where is Senegal? Senegal is located on the Western coast of Africa. (see map above)
Why Senegal? Missionaries entered Senegal in the 1960's and worked for several decades while seeing little fruit. In the last 15-20 years, Muslims have begun to come to Christ and catch a vision for reaching other Muslims. We have a chance to equip these Senegalese believers with teaching in God's Word to go along with their already present evangelistic zeal.
What will you be doing there? Our main ministry focus will be training church leaders. There is a small Bible College located in Dakar and Thies which seeks to train leaders for the church. Wayne will be teaching classes at this school. Hilary will be involved in teaching weekend seminars for women who seek to serve alongside their husbands. As a family, we will also be helping with a street kids ministry, showing love and attention to kids who have been taken advantage of.
Where are you now? We began language school in Paris, January 09. We plan on being here for 18 months. Immediately following our language school program, we will move to Senegal.
How long will you be in Senegal? Our plan now is to move to Senegal with no plans of going anywhere else. This is a long-term move for us. We will return to the states periodically on Home Assignments (our first after 4 years overseas), and we will at those times evaluate if the Lord would have us continue in Senegal or if we could best serve somewhere else.
How can I get involved? 3 John 8 mentions those who have not gone out but are still called co-laborers because of their support for those who did go out. We recognize the need for co-laborers in our desire to reach Senegal. You can become one of our co-laborers by committing to pray for us, financially supporting us, and keeping us in your hearts. If you are interested in financially supporting us (monthly of one time gifts), see the Financial status section just below on this side of the page for more details. If you are interested in committing to prayer (either daily or weekly), please contact us. As far as keeping us in your hearts, keep checking back to our blog and leaving comments, sign up for our email updates, and keep us posted with changes in your lives.
How can I contact you? Please feel free to email us! Wayne - wayne_den@yahoo.com Hilary - hilvdenny@yahoo.com Addie - she drooled on her keyboard and can't check her email anymore :)
1 comment:
God bless and merry christmas
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