Some things she has said to us...
Ça suffit (that's enough)
Ne touche pas (don't touch - I think she must get told these two phrases in the nursery :)
Un bisou (a kiss :)
Qu'est-ce que tu fais? (what are you doing?)
Je ne sais pas (I don't know)
Allez, viens (come on, lets go)
A tout à l'heure (see you later!)
And every once in a while "Oui" will pop out of her mouth instead of "yes", even when we ask her a question in English.
And to see that she really does understand what she's saying, I said to her yesterday when she was trying to do something I told her not too "J'ai dit non" (I said no!) to which she replied with a big smile "J'ai dit oui!" (I said yes!). Now we need to keep working on the obeying part.
How cool!
Praise the Lord! I bet that is sooo cute!
LOL! That is great! Those little buggars are just so smart. Why can't we pick up language that easily? :)
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