Who Are We

Wayne, Hilary & Adelaide Denny. Preparing to Serve in Leadership Training in Senegal, Africa. God has called us to take advantage of a unique window of religious freedom in Muslim Senegal by equipping church leaders who have a heart for reaching their country and the Muslim world.

We should be jealous. . . for the honour of His name – troubled when it remains unknown, hurt when it is ignored, indignant when it is blasphemed. And all the time anxious and determined that it shall be given the honour and glory which are due to it.” John Stott

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Picture of the week - exhaustion

So I was checking on Addie the other night and this is how I found her.  She loves to read at night, but apparently it was just too much for her that night.  I showed Wayne the picture and he said "That's how I feel when I read French too!"  It's true, learning a new language is exhausting.  No matter how many hours of sleep I get, I still haven't really felt rested.  When I finish class every afternoon, the last thing I want to do is to do my homework, I just want to rest!  I sit in a chair all day, but by the end of the day, I am exhausted!  We were wondering when we started why we have a week of vacation after the first 7 weeks of class.  Now we know and we can't wait for our week off! We love what we are doing now, but boy is it hard work.

And a bonus picture this week, just because I love it, and I love them!


Karen said...

Love the "taste of France" pictures and updates.

Christie M said...

What precious pictures. I am working on a writing project in ENGLISH, and I have restless nights every night, I can't imagine having to think and do homework in another language all the time. How is Addy's French coming?

When I saw the exhaustion theme, I thought it was going to be you after the mattress pad event! LOL

Jeff said...

Those pictures are both great. I see why you included both this week! Missing you!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I also thought the "exhaustion" post would relate to the mattress pad event..
Beautiful pictures.